The Bull is a vibey pub, venue, gallery, and community hub in downtown Gainesville, FL

But it’s more than that:

The Bull is a space where Gainesville’s ideas come to life - an artist’s first show, a Buddhist seminar, salsa lessons in the street, napkin sketches turning into buildings, chance encounters turning into marriages (we love you Amanda & Wes).

Any of The Bull’s super-fans will tell you - if you have an idea you want to try, you can probably find a space for it in The Bull. We like that about us.

And of course there is the bar! At The Bull, bartenders tend to become friends and friends tend to end up tending bar. Our team serves and enjoys a curated selection of limited-run beers and wines alongside classic brews, non-alcoholic delights, and delicious delectables (that means food).

Bull Events and Happenings

(Not So) Regular Events

(Not So) Regular Events

Regularly scheduled programming that isn’t exactly regular or programmed